Love isn't just a feeling, it is a state of being. A lot of people claim to be in love, but what they are is in need. True love, in the spirit of it's nature, isn't jealous, envious, boastful or cruel. Those emotions are based in fear and fear is the mind killer. Before we are taught hate, we live in pure love. Have you ever watched a kid skipping or singing without a care in the world. Love resides in that freedom. As we age, we start learning all the rule and customs of our surroundings and some of them are based in fear. Once they take hold, the skipping stops and the singing is self-conscious. All that freedom gives way to conformity. I have a radical idea! Why don't we let go of the made up fear and skip again? Come on, you see glimpses of it all the time. My husband, Mike rides the grocery cart through the parking lot, every time he goes shopping with me. Of course, I'm making fun of him the whole time, but he still posses a part of that little boy he used to be. I'm not suggesting being irresponsible. My husband is a hard worker and is very responsible, but he can also play with child-like abandon. When you can let go of the fears of the world, you find the spirit you used to know as a child.